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Targeting the underrepresentation of ethnic diversity in Intelligence.

The Problem

Ethnic Minority groups are underrepresented within the Intelligence community. Statisitcs to evidence the true extent of this problem are scarce, however, a 2013 report on Diversity and Inclusion in the UK Intelligence Community was published in 2018 outlining this issue. The report highlighted that within 7 UK government Intelligence organisations there was an evident lack of under-representation of minority groups. The report showed that there was an average of 10% of employees from a BAME background within GCHQ, MI5, SIS, MOD, NSS, OSCT and the JIO, lower than the 15% seen within the demography of the UK. Within these 7 organisations, there were no individuals from a BAME background employed in a "Senior Civil Service" role. An Intelligence community that reflects societies demography is a step towards the removal of unconscious bias and institutional racism present in institutions in the UK.

Our Response

The Intelligence with Steve team is taking its first steps towards combating disproportionate levels of ethnic minorities within the Intelligence community. As an organisation focused on the development of students and early careers professionals, Intelligence with Steve will focus on providing affordable training to ethnic minorities in this position. It is our hope that by raising awareness of the field with these communities and offering low-cost training, Intelligence with Steve can make entry into the Intelligence field more accessible. Intelligence with Steve will now be offering any individual from an ethnic minority group 25% off any training course. 


You can now apply the 25% discount to any of our courses on Teachable. Click the 'Enroll in Course!' button on any of our courses and you can then apply the Discount Code "INCREASEREPRESENTATION" in the Order Summary section.

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